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Florida sunbiz renew

At this time, due to the high volume of filing activity in conjunction with the implementation of these upgrades there will be a delay in processing. This form renews a fictitious name online only.

Review and verify your information for accuracy. Once submitte the renewal cannot be change remove canceled or refunded. Review the instructions for filing a fictitious name renewal.

Answers to common questions about e-filing a Florida fictitious name renewal are listed below. What are my payment options to renew a fictitious name online? Credit card (Visa, MasterCar American Express or Discover). Debit Card (Visa or MasterCard only).

Prepaid Sunbiz E-File Account. I don’t remember my registration number. Any corporation, limited liability company, limited partnership or limited liability limited partnership whose status was administratively dissolved or revoked can submit an electronic reinstatement application.

Annual Report- Sunbiz. By Mail or Courier: Check or money order. Must be payable in U. Submit payment with the required payment voucher. An automatic prompt will allow you to print the voucher when you select the “Pay by Check” option.

Check and money orders must be payable in U. File online: Processed in the order received. If you have any questions, please contact 850. Pursuant to Section 455. It is time to renew….

Between January st and May st, the annual report must be filed with the Department of State and is required whether or not you make changes. Please let us know if you need help with the filing. Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations. We will provide you with a short questionnaire and take care of the rest for you, for a fee of $19.

Registered Agent Fee (required) $25. Certified Copy (optional) $30. The limited liability company itself cannot serve as its own registered agent. An individual associated with the company may serve as the registered agent.

If the registered agent is a. The name you register must be advertised at least once in a newspaper that is located within the county where your principal place of business is located (Chapter 5 Florida Statutes). However, proof of advertisement is not required. You, the applicant, certify the name has been advertised when you sign the application.

Find your LLC at Sunbiz. Upload your annual report in order to Sunbiz. Pay all applicable fees at the time of filing, which includes the filing fee of $138. Remain an LLC with an Active Status with the State of Florida.

Keep current on federal income tax requirements. Service is unavailable for. This video will guide you step by step on how to register your business in Florida.

It will require you to enter various pieces of information, so you should get them together before you begin. You can also sign it online by typing in the signature block, then pay with a credit card. Make payments or register online to renew or obtain new licenses by selecting a keyword which best matches your license needs below.

After selecting a keyword you will be taken to our online payment center where you will be required tobefore entering any payments. Enforce child support law on behalf of about 020children with $1.


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