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Business registration hong kong

International PEO Allows You To Get Started In As Little As Hours At A Lower Cost! Premium service, custom solutions. Every challenge is different.

Learn more about the application procedures for new business registration as well as renewal and cancellation. In addition, the new requirement for companies to ascertain and maintain up-to-date information on beneficial ownership by way of keeping a Significant Controllers Register was implemented on the same day.

Business Registration Certificates for Years.

There is a minimal bureaucratic restriction in the nation for foreign investment that allows the business to. Our qualified professionals work closely with our clients throughout the entire registration process, making it a seamless and worry-free experience.

Our help covers everything. Once the business registration fees are pai a newly issued BRC will become the valid business registration for the company.

Before you proceed with the registration of your business, you should ensure that you have a clear picture about the following. Government Forms for Non-Residents. Online Services for Non-Residents.

Mobile Communications Services.

Hire international employees quickly and compliantly without setting up an entity! The banks will ask for the business background of the owner, planned activities of the limited company, and business proof of existing company (overseas company) operated by the same owner.

Meanwhile, the payment of HK$9for a certificate has a validity period of years. You must pay this HK business registration fee to. Underpaid mail will be rejected. Please pay sufficient postage.

A company registration number is a unique combination of numbers. The cost over the properties is one of the safety and security kind of this. We provide information on all types of companies that are in operation or have been cancelled in the Hongkong area. Share these free websites and business information.

A person can register more than one business at the same time. In other words, there are no requirements on the nationality of the shareholders and the directors. However, you need to have a local business registered address as a P. A company’s accounting records must be kept at its registered office or any other place that the directors think fit.

Or conformément aux. Hong Kong is a pro- business society. It specifies all the details of your company.

It consists of eight digits. The register will not be publicly available but should be open for inspection by law enforcement officers upon demand.

We are confident that our team of professionals will be able to help you every step of the way and answer all your business and financial questions. It is one of the best places to do business. A company’s business registration number is also to serve as its tax identification number.

A full scale electronic filing service covering specified forms is available at the e-Registry portal. You have to choose a company name that is approved by the authorities before you go ahead and apply for registration. Without a proper guide, you may lose lots of time and money during your company formation process.

If you choose to pay the annual fee for three years in advance, you will receive a special rate. Company Name Approval.


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L’accès au compte est temporairement désactivé pour maintenance. Veuillez nous excuser pour ce désagrement. Le document est rédigé au fur et à mesure. Vous êtes hébergé chez un tiers et ne possédez pas de justificatif de domicile. Voici un exemple de lettre type. L’ attestation doit être accompagnée de la photocopie recto-verso de la pièce d’identité et du justificatif de domicile de l’hébergeant(e) plus copie. Vu sur assemblee-nationale. L’ attestation d’ hébergement désigne l’acte par lequel un hébergeant notifie un organisme tiers qu’il héberge un hébergeant. Oui on vous compren c’est beaucoup de verbiage. En clair, la personne hébergeant un tiers produit un papier sur lequel il assure sur l’honneur héberger ce tiers et remet ensuite le papier à celui-ci. Objet : attestation d’ hébergement. Fait à : abbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbc le : ac ac abbc Signature du tiers logeur précédée de la mention manuscrite “Lu et approuvé�.

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