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Hong kong company formation

Reputation as a trusted CPA firm in HK. Popularized incorporation. Every company must have at least 1registered shareholder and director, who can be a corporate entities or a natural person of any nationality. You can have the digital corporate documents after a single day of registration.

For sole traders and for people in partnerships, the individuals personal assets are at risk if there is a claim against the organisation but shareholders in a Ltd company are liable. HONG KONG COMPANY INCORPORATION ADVANTAGES.

Hong kong company formation

Company Formation may consist of company name availability search, preparation of company incorporation documents, submission, retrieving of certificate of incorporation, obtaining of business registration certification, obtaining shares certificate, company chop and company stamp, bank account opening, registered office address, company. While shareholders and directors are not subject to any.

There are no restrictions on inbound or outbound investment and there are no nationality restrictions on ownership. Foreigners can invest in almost any business and own up to 100. Hong Kong Private Limited Company (Ltd) Company Formation.

The most common are: Simplicity of setting up a company. There is no requirement to file accounts with the Companies Registry.

Hong - Kong enjoys 0% taxation on foreign profits and no paid-up capital requirement. If you would like to know.

There are a wide variety of offshore jurisdictions and tax havens, we currently recommend the following locations for offshore company formation. Samoa is a group of Pacific islands located in the heart of Polynesia. Its two main islands are situated approximately halfway between Hawaii and New Zealand.

Hong kong company formation

Unlike countries such as Nevis and the Cook Islands, the names of the company officers and directors show up in the public records. One can utilize nominee officers for privacy purposes.

Hong kong company formation

Set up your new company with SFM ! The Confidus Solutions team will prepare legal documents, assist with registration and finalise the incorporation procedure. The company formation procedure.

It is an important centre for international finance and trade. We provide offshore company registration in hong kong. Welcome to Hongkong Company Formation.

Each business type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Benefits of Registration of a Company. Hongkong Company formation is beneficial because no value-added tax is charge no fee is made on dividends or low taxes, or no tax on benefits.

You may also acquire a ready-made companywhich has been registered in advance and available for use immediately. If there is no operation,the company can directly report a zero tax declaration.

They do not have to be residents. It should be stressed here that information on directors and shareholders is public, so those of you who value anonymity should consider using nominee services that our company may provide.

Especially in view of the introduction of One Belt One Road (OBOR) Project, more overseas corporations consider. Chinese origin and is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Creation société offshore Création de société offshore dans plus de pays et l’introduction bancaire.

Filing is mandatory even the company has not done any business. We shall provide such services and assistance. Decide upon a name for your company. Prepare the Articles of Association (AoA) and incorporation form to submit to the Business.

We will analyze your situation and provide you a suitable suggestion for hong kong company registration. It normally takes only working days for e-filing and registration.


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