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Places and forms of power

Several forms of power. You need to discuss the different types of power. A place can also be a country or a state – for example the USA is a state which is powerful enough to influence events throughout the world (superpower) and China is a major economic power in today’s world.

I am going to talk about the notion “places and forms of power”. At all times, power has been in the hands of politicians or military chiefs. But power also implies counter-power, that is to say opposition and resistance.

Power can be defined as the ability to influence or to control people, events, environment or resources. It’s also the ability to make things happen despite obstacles, resistance or opposition. We can wonder what are the different forms of power and in which places we can find them? So basically, in politics and social science, power is the ability to exercise control, but also to influence the behavior of people.

In order to live together members of a community accept rules, regulations, laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. So we can wonder what are the bad sides of power.

First, I’d like to give a definition of the notion. It can be exerted in different sphe. Places and forms of power. First I’d like to mention the political power.

Then I would talk about the power of school and of education. Finally I’d like to mention the power of the Media and the counter powers. Obviously the political power is separated in three powers: the executive one, the legislative one and the judiciary one. In democracies like in the US the three powers are separated.

That’s why it’s benefic for. PLACES AND FORMS OF POWER. First, in politics and social science, power is the ability to influence the behavior of people.

First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion. I’m going to talk about the notion places and Forms of power.

This of course leads to conflicts between those who have power and those who don’t. In order to be able to live together, members of a community draw up rules, regulations and law and try to respect them. This notion deals with the different forms of power in the world and the places.

Places and forms of power

Different forms of power. A positive and negative vision of power prevailed. It is seen in a win-lose relationship. Power is often regarded as a form of domination.

Having power involves taking it subtly or by force and use it to control and dominate. In politics, those who rule control resources and decision-making. Those who are deprived of.

A place could also be a state or a country which is economically or politically powerful enough to influence events in today’s world. We may wonder to what extent the press can be considered as a form of power.

Places and forms of power

It generally also implies a basic division between those who have and exercise t power and those who have none or a little of it. Cette lutte avait pour but de garantir aux noirs les mêmes droits qu’aux blancs et a commencé lors de l’action de Rosa Parks qui a refusé de céder sa place à un blanc dans un bus.

We are living in a world where the seats of power are consequently changing. For many years, new powers have influenced people. The fourth power is the power of the media, of the press and the fifth power is the power of the economic system or the power of the Internet (and in some cases, the power of the Church).

There are known as the fourth and the fifth power. WE ARE THE PERCENT. Introduce the document. This year, we studied the concept of places and forms of power.

As for me, to have power is the fact to be able to influence the other and do what you want. It exist the power of language, of media, of public opinion or the power of politics. A power can be exercised in an emblematic institutional place.

To illustrate this notion, I would like to talk about the struggle of women and African American for their rights. We can ask how do people fight for their rights against the power of the. So, the Government put a censorship in place and the Police are charged to stop and to eradicate Suffragettes violently.

Places and forms of power

To succee they have to use forms of power too. The mass media more precisely.


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