You can not mail in your application. Online application, payment and processing time. The application process is simple and easy to use with online application guidelines.
For minors (children under years of age), Guarantor’s form is not required. However, the Father’s letter of consent as well as photocopy of the data page of his passport should be attached. Nigerian Embassy or Consulate.

These electronic passports, known also as the e- passport, are classified as either Standard or Official e- passport, depending on intended use. Renew nigerian passport same day. Standard types are further subdivided into two, based on number of booklet type (and pages).
Moreover, based on validity, there are two options for prospective applicants: years and years. That the e- passport is devoid of observation and endorsement i. Please note that you have to separately print each page of your application form before exiting the page.

You are also advised to return to the. A new page will open.
In light of Prime Minister M. Who needs passport ? While it is very easy to compromise various other means of identification, the same can’t be said of the passport. For those of ages and above, the fee is ₦750. Acknowledgement Slip. Two current passport-size photographs preferably with white background.
For applicants between the ages of 0-1 please pay close attention to the next section, as there are additional requirements for minors. Letter of consent signed by both parents. In absence of documents or consent of either of the parents, proof of sole custodian from the court must be provided.
Applicants not expediting their. There is the one that is 32-page. To apply for E- Passport, the following steps are to be followed: Information on Standard Passport or Official Passport. Our office will assist you in making the above online payment if need be including all paper work, money order, envelopes,and stamps.
Just bring with your expired passport and a passport photo and payment. Filter by: Industry: Citizenship by Investment Residency by Investment Continents: Africa Asia Europe Americas Unions: African Union ASEAN BRIC CARICOM European Union GCC MERCOSUR Schengen area Regions: Balkans Caribbean Latin America Middle East Oceania North America South America Passport type. It is also the most comprehensive.
Le passeport nigérian est un document de voyage international délivré aux ressortissants nigérians, et qui peut aussi servir de preuve de la citoyenneté nigériane. They are touchable and they can be misplaced. Rules and requirements for babies, infants, and newborns Passport and Visa photos.
No matter what visa you will apply for, you will require to submit at least visa photos. Both parents and their children need to apply all separately. RENUNCIATION OF NIGERIAN CITIZENSHIP. Presidential Task Force on Covid-19: Revised Quarantine Protocol.
APPLICATION FOR E- PASSPORT. Le passeport nigérien est un document de voyage international délivré aux ressortissants nigériens, et qui peut aussi servir de preuve de la citoyenneté nigérienne.

It also serves as a means of identification in most cases. Attach a passport photograph of the guarantor in the provided column on An International passport with at least six months validity.
Airline return ticket 3. Basic travelling allowance. Two (2) recent passport photos of the applicant. Photocopy of the passport data page of the father and mother.
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