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To provide for

De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant " provide for" – Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises. Il sera donc nécessaire de prévoir des dérogations.

To supply or provide payment for the basic needs of someone or something. Definition of provide for : to cause (something) to be available or to happen in the future The contract provides for paid holidays.

In your quote, the meaning of provide for is to act to prepare for something (Wiktionary, verb sense ). We may rephrase the quotation this way: It turns out that there are contractual answers as well: creditors can prepare for these possibilities in advance, not between themselves but by taking security interests in your assets—in other words, a right to take back your property directly if you run out of money.

Consequently, it is necessary to provide for measures limited in time and reviewable at any time. But my duty is to provide for you and our children. Synonyms for provide at Thesaurus. Find descriptive alternatives for provide.

Plans to provide the first gas supply to an area of Jaywick could be in the pipeline. It was turned into a pond in order to provide a ready supply of water should there be a fire nearby. He expressed appreciation for the medical supplies provided by Japan to Taiwan during the SARS crisis. The state will provide $1per household to the school district to provide a device, based on state contracted rates for MiFi devices and data coverage for the first semester.

This new funding comes in addition to a $million education technology grant, announced by Gov.

Bill Lee last month, that purchased more than 250computers and tablets for students across the state. Leonardo DRS has won a contract to provide critical components for the US Navy and international allies’ Mark VLS.

Credit: US Department of Defense. Local school districts in Southwest Virginia — which plan to offer both in-school and virtual school programs this fall amid the COVID-pandemic — are working to provide internet access for.

Several nurses employed by AdventHealth Gordon will serve the county schools for each. Spain’s local government on the Canary Islands has signed an insurance policy to ensure that travellers will have their expenses paid if they contract the Coronavirus pandemic during vacation. Lelling’s office said the money will provide six to months of transitional or short-term housing aid to victims.

It will help cover things like utilities, security deposits and relocation costs. Chainlink will provide climate data for insurance startup Arbol’s weather derivatives. The Ethereum-based dapp can be used for hedging natural events.

School Districts provide technology help for virtually learning. Virtual learning has become a must as. White says they are working to provide care to support around two hundred kids in the Tulsa Metro area. How to use provide in a sentence.

Department of Energy (DOE) announced a plan to provide up to $million to support research in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for fusion energy. Well-Safe Solutions, a UK-based company specializing in PA services, has awarded Orca Oceanic Systems a contract for the provision of Dive System Support and Engineering Services onboard its Well-Safe Guardian semi-submersible decommissioning rig.

The Well-Safe Guardian is an offshore rig used for. Wave Hospitals Ready To Provide 12Beds For Coronavirus-Infected People – Stepanov Даша Зубкова Health Minister, Maksym Stepanov, says that so-called second wave hospitals have 12beds prepared for coronavirus-infected people.

CNN) — Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders will introduce a bill on Tuesday that would provide high quality, reusable masks to every American. Sanders is unveiling the legislation, which has dozens of.

A partnership between Girls Inc. Kendra Scott is helping provide school supplies for young females across Owensboro while also raising funds for the local philanthropy.

The two organizations are also hosting a two-day online fundraiser starting Monday to celebrate National Nonprofit Day. Says Van Hollen’s Democratic colleague, Sen.

Ben Cardin: “We should be negotiating how much, not whether, to provide additional nutrition assistance for our most vulnerable populations during. Demers, Assistant Attorney General for National Security, Michael Bailey, the U.


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